Monday, May 6, 2013

New Flash

In August, we will have been open for an entire year. This past year has been such a roller coaster and I have a feeling the next 12 months will be no different. We have some exciting things in the works that I will start to announce over the next several days, including a discussion about our current talent and future pro fighters, plans for the gym remodel and expansion, our new summer schedule that will begin June 1st, fundraising plans for both the gym and our students, huge upcoming fights, how to order new t-shirts next week and the plans for our youth Jiu Jitsu and boxing summer camp! I fell off the blogging wagon and now I'm back on it and I'm ready to share all of our exciting happenings with the world wide web!! Tonight, I'll start with a little information about the Summer camp plans. We will host a three week summer camp for kids ages 5-12. We will meet Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., the kids will be provided with a snack daily and a t-shirt and water bottle to commemorate the 2013 summer camp. The camp is limited to 20 kids per week long session. Each week is $150 or $400 for all three weeks. There is a non-refundable $100 deposit to sign up for the camp. If more than 20 sign up, we will start a waiting list and once the waiting list reaches 12 kids, we will hold a second session and those on the waiting list will be the first ones invited to for the second session. Session 1: June 10th-28th. If there is a 2nd session, it will meet July 8th-26th. Please contact Carly for more information about the camps (